Tuesday 1 February 2011

3 to 6 months

Three to Six Months
At about four months your kitten may start losing her baby teeth as the adult teeth grow through. Her gums may be painful and this would be an excellent time to start a program of dental care. Kittens start to establish their place in the "social ranking order" of your house during this time. It is not unusual to see a kitten "challenge" the top cat, which usually will earn the youngster a cuff on the ears. Other cats, depending on their social position and personalities may defer to the kitten. Your kitten is growing rapidly at this time, and might notice your previously plump kitten suddenly appears long and lanky. Kittens should continue to eat kitten food during this phase of growth - they need the additional nutrients for strong bones, health teeth and supple muscles.
Health:Your kitten can and should be spayed or neutered between three and six months. Cats' sexual maturity can vary and both female and male kittens as young as four or five months have been known to become sexually active.

Bengal Cat Breeder

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