Tuesday 1 February 2011

First 6 Weeks

A kitten's first year is vital to her eventual physical development. Equally important is the human - feline connection that takes place in the early weeks this will set the pace, not only for your relationship with your cat but also for her developing personality. Kittens are not simply miniature cats. Their development into adult cats is a fascinating process and each step of the way a kitten is in a unique place in its life. The wise owner will recognize this and use it to understand what your kitten is experiencing as well as what her actions are telling you.
Under ideal circumstances a kitten should remain with her mother for at least 12 to 16 weeks. Although the mother will start weaning her kittens sometime between five and seven weeks, this additional time helps the kittens learn socialization skills.
The First Six Weeks
The crucial first six weeks in a cat's life accomplish much in determining her personality and character for the rest of her life. Health wise this time is also essential to the developing kitten as very young kittens are susceptible to a number of threats such as worms & diarrhoea. Your kitten will never grow at such a remarkable rate again and seeing the changes in her development from week to week is an incredible experience.

Bengal kittens

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